Monday, September 17, 2007

Journal 9/10 - 9/17

Plant those Japanese iris bulbs next to the daffodils, Pam, if you want an attractive display next spring.

Terry doesn't run very well, but he always enters Run For Your Life, a five- mile race held on Labor Day.

Neither of my parents is able to take me to the Village Teater to see Oscar Wilde's play The Importance of being Earnest.

Adriana, please set those books of Shakespeare's plays on this stand; we'll be using them later in class.

Shawn said that neither of the singers was professionally trained, but their rendition of "Maria" was stunning.

Neither my friend nor my sister has the time to address these envelopes; maybe someone else can help.

Comment on the salty hamburger story.
I think the story was dumb. I think teh girl should not of been arrested because the cop should never of art the hamburger if it tasted bad.

9/11Do you think 9/11 happened as reported or was there a sinister conspiracy of cover up?
I think what they say is true.

Would you consider Britney Spears fat?
No I do not consider her fat. She is overwieght a little but she is not fat.

Do you perfer this years enrichment block to last years study hall?
I like last years study hall better. I liked it better because I got a lot of work done in there. This years enrichment block I cant get as mush work done.

Cheater never prosper.
I think the statement is true. I think it is true because you can get in a lot of trouble when you cheat.

Is it better for your lacation to be too cold or too hot?
I think it is better if it is too cold. When is cold you can put a coat on. When it is too hot they are not as many things you can do to cool down.

1 comment:

Clark said...

DOL: 5/6
JT: 8/12

Total: 13/18