"It was he who fell off the sailboat on Thunder Lake!" Dr. Alvarez shouted.
"Will someone lend me his or her copy of Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms"? Calvin asked.
I have only two more pages to read before I can start this assignment.
Mr. Tosca has fewer uniforms to wash each week, because he doesn't work at the garage anymore.
We should have set the bookcase between the windows, but its size prevented us from doing so.
Pioneer Hall, the oldest building in town, was dedicated on September 29, 1865, by Mayor Blake G. Crothers.
Doesn't Mark have any plans to submit his essay "The Underestimated Teenager" to School Day magazine?
Near the end of our history class, Wendy and she gave their report on the Russian Revolution.
Did you have trouble completing the quotes assignment?
Yes I did have troube completing the quotes. I think some of the quotes was easy but most of them was hard. I did the easy ones and some of the hard ones.
Who is your hero?My dad is my hero. He is there when I need him. He also trys to help when I need him.
Critique each hallways homecoming decorating?
I think the seniors hallway was the best. The sophmore was second best. The freshmen hall was my least favorit.
Based on your life now predict your death.
I predict I would die from heart problems. I think that because it runs in the family. Also diabeties because it also runs in the family.
How do like your eggs?
How I like my eggs is scrambled. I do not like my eggs any other way. I realy do not like eating eggs at all.
Write me a get well card/message/sentiment.
Sorry you feel bad. Hope you feel better. Get well soon.10/11
Which three framed posters should go and why?
I think the poster with Superman holdig the flag should go. I think the one with Wolverine sould go. Also the do not like the one with Superman breaking through the wall.
Are you satisfied with your first marking period performance in this class?
Yes I am satisfied with my grade. I am satisfied with all my grades. I hope I do as well or better on the next marking period.
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DOL: 8/8
JT: 16/16
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