Jose Merino's autobiography was short but, regardless of its length,very informative.
One of the players has not been coming to practice, because he doesn't have any means of transportation.
To help overcome jet lag when flying overseas, eat light the day before embarking.
I should finish writing a letter to Luisa's sister, but first I must finish this book report.
"Sarah's notes were different from mine when we compared them at the end of the lecture, " Raul stated.
What is the most annoying pet naming covention?
The most annoying way to name a pet is when they name them after the pet that has died. I think they should have thier own name. Also when you name a pet after the old pet it reminds you of them and can make you sad.
Of all the pets youv'e ever had which one had the coolest name?
I think my cat Patches had the coolest name. He was a black and white cat. He got the name because he looked like he had black patches all over him.
Suggest three journal topic questions for future use.
Should ask about our favoret color. Ask more about pets. Also ask about our favoret hobby.
Great job with lousy pay or lousy job with great pay which is better?
I would pick great job with lousy pay. I would pick that one because I would rather go to a job I like than to a job I hate. Going to a job you hate would make you depressed.
A easy class with loads of homework or a hard class with very little homework?
I would pick the hard class with very little homework. I would pick it because I think you would learn more in class. Also you would have more time after school to do what you want.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Critique each hallways homecoming decorating?
I think the seniors hallway was the best. The sophmore was second best. The freshmen hall was my least favorit.
Based on your life now predict your death.
How do like your eggs?
How I like my eggs is scrambled. I do not like my eggs any other way. I realy do not like eating eggs at all.
Which three framed posters should go and why?
I think the poster with Superman holdig the flag should go. I think the one with Wolverine sould go. Also the do not like the one with Superman breaking through the wall.
Are you satisfied with your first marking period performance in this class?
Yes I am satisfied with my grade. I am satisfied with all my grades. I hope I do as well or better on the next marking period.
"It was he who fell off the sailboat on Thunder Lake!" Dr. Alvarez shouted.
"Will someone lend me his or her copy of Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms"? Calvin asked.
I have only two more pages to read before I can start this assignment.
Mr. Tosca has fewer uniforms to wash each week, because he doesn't work at the garage anymore.
We should have set the bookcase between the windows, but its size prevented us from doing so.
Pioneer Hall, the oldest building in town, was dedicated on September 29, 1865, by Mayor Blake G. Crothers.
Doesn't Mark have any plans to submit his essay "The Underestimated Teenager" to School Day magazine?
Near the end of our history class, Wendy and she gave their report on the Russian Revolution.
Did you have trouble completing the quotes assignment?
Yes I did have troube completing the quotes. I think some of the quotes was easy but most of them was hard. I did the easy ones and some of the hard ones.
Who is your hero?My dad is my hero. He is there when I need him. He also trys to help when I need him.
Critique each hallways homecoming decorating?
I think the seniors hallway was the best. The sophmore was second best. The freshmen hall was my least favorit.
Based on your life now predict your death.
I predict I would die from heart problems. I think that because it runs in the family. Also diabeties because it also runs in the family.
How do like your eggs?
How I like my eggs is scrambled. I do not like my eggs any other way. I realy do not like eating eggs at all.
Write me a get well card/message/sentiment.
Sorry you feel bad. Hope you feel better. Get well soon.10/11
Which three framed posters should go and why?
I think the poster with Superman holdig the flag should go. I think the one with Wolverine sould go. Also the do not like the one with Superman breaking through the wall.
Are you satisfied with your first marking period performance in this class?
Yes I am satisfied with my grade. I am satisfied with all my grades. I hope I do as well or better on the next marking period.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Where the Lilies Bloom

Author:Vera and Bill Cleaver
Publication date:1969
Page count:210
Started on:8/30/07
Finished on:9/27/07
My grade: B
1. Why did I decide to read this book?
I read this book because it looked like a good book to read. The title sounded interesting. I read the back and it sounded like a good book. I also read it because someone told me it was a good book. I also like fiction books.
2. Plot summary (avoiding major spoilers when possible):
The story is about a fourteen year old girl named Mary Call Luther and her two sisters and brother. They live in North Carolina with their father. Their father is sick and dies. Before he died he made Mary Call promise not to tell anyone he has died, not to let Devola her sister marry, and to keep the family together. After their father died they started wildcrafting to make money. Then people in the town started asking were their father was and they would tell them he was sick and when people came to see him they would tell them he was sleeping. After a while they became desperate for money because it was winter and they could not go out to wildcraft. Then Mary Call broke all of her promises and her sister married a man named Kiser Pease. After Devola married him he gave Mary Call and her brother and sister money and food but they still did wildcrafting for extra money.3. What is the setting, and why is it important to the novel?
This story takes place in North Carolina in the Appalachian mountains. They live between two mountains called Sugar Boy and Old Joshua. It is important in the novel because that is were they buried their father. Also that is where they do their wildcrafting for money. It is also important because it is mentioned a lot in the book.
4. Who are the main characters, and what roles do they play in the novel?
Mary Call Luther is the main character. She make promises she could not keep. Also she tries to take care of the family. Romey Luther is her brother that helps Mary Call with everything. Then Devola Luther her sister she takes care of the house by clean it and she does all the cooking but at the end she marries Kiser Pease.
5. What is/are the main conflict(s) in the novel?
The main conflict was people trying see Mary Calls father and he was dead but she could not let anyone know. The second problem was Kiser Pease would not leave them along about their father. The third problem was in the winter the weather was so bad that part of their house caved in. The fourth problem was during the winter they could not wildcraft and they had no money. The fifth problem was Mary Call had problem with her family because they did not want to listen to her.6. Describe the climax of the novel.
The climax is when Mary Call is about to lose their house. Also Kiser Pease finds out her father was dead. After that happened Devola married Kiser Pease and he paid for their house. The rest of the town found out about their father death so Kiser Pease went and became Mary Call and her brother and sisters guardian. Also he built them a barn for their cow because it was living in the house.
7. What is the significance of the book's title? Is the title appropriate, or would I change it to something else?
The title only goes along with part of the book. If you read only the first half of the book you would not know where they got the title. At the end of the book it tells you about it. It is called Where the Lilies Bloom because at the end of the book it becomes Spring and all along the mountains there is large areas of liles every where. I would never change the title because I think it is a good title for the book.
8. What is my opinion about this book? Why (give specifics)?
My opinion of this book is it is a good book. I think other people should read it. I think it is a good book because it is the type of book I like to read. Also I think it was a good book because it was not a boring book. I t was the type of book that made you want to read more to find out what happens.
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